
1. When a PSW says to a client, "everything will be okay", heishe is: a) Creating stress for the client b) Solving an emotional problem for the client c) Reassuring the client d) Preventing the client from expressing feclings 2. Which of the following is an example of a mixed message? a) Saying "yes" to your client while shaking your bead "no" b) Mixing up the words in a sentence c) Not talking to the client d) Talking in medical terms to the client 3. Why is your mixed message unhelpful to the client? a) Causes confusion and the message is lost b) Creates a lack of interest from the client c) Client will not talk to you d) Leaves the client to think you don't care 4. What would you do to improve the communication in your example of a mixed message? a) Talk faster so they get the message quicker b) Make sure your verbal message matches your non-verbal message c) Use sign language to ensure they got the message right d) Use only body language, then there will be no confusion 5. What two age-related changes can affect communication? a) Loss of speech and decreased sense of touch b) Decrease in hearing and vision c) Lack of sensation and blindness d) Loss of sense of smell and taste 6. "What kind of vegetable do you like?" is an example of an openended question? a) True b) False 7. Which of the following answers explains why we would use an open-ended question? a) Used to get specific information from the client b) Used to get detailed information from the client c) Used to improve communication by encouraging them to further discuss details d) Used when we don't want any information from the client 8. An Example of an open-ended question is, "Your pain has decreased today, hasn 't it?" a) True

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