2. Filling in Data Historical Mercury Level Daily Maxima A time series of daily readings of mercury levels in a river is provided to you. In each test case, the day's highest level is missing for certain days. By analyzing the data, try to identify the missing mercury levels for those days. Each row of data contains two tab-separated values: a time-stamp and the day's highest reading. There are exactly twenty rows marked missing in each input file. The missing values are marked as "Missing_1", "Missing_2", ..., "Missing_20". These missing records have been randomly dispersed in the rows of data. Function Description Complete the calcMissing function in the editor below. It should print 20 rows, one for each missing value, as floats. Constraints Mercury levels are all $<400$. Python 3 Autocomplete Loading... $1>\# ! /$ bin/python 3 ... 10 11 \# \# Complete the 'calcMissing' function below. \# \# The function accepts STRING_ARRAY readings as parameter. \# def calcMissing(readings): \# Write your code here if __name no $_{-=}$'_- main $_{--}{ }^{\prime}: \cdots$