
24. Place the correct letter from Column B beside the appropriate health care role in Column $\mathrm{A}$. 25. Place the letter ( $a$ or $b$, etc.) for the correct statement from column B beside the words listed in column A. \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline Column A & Column B \\ \hline ethics & a. A feeling of compassion \\ \hline discretion & b. Feelings reflected in one's actions \\ \hline empathy & $\begin{array}{l}\text { c. Process where a nurse can authorize } \\ \text { a PSW to perform a controlled act } \\ \text { procedure }\end{array}$ \\ \hline attitude & $\begin{array}{l}\text { d. Use of good judgement about what } \\ \text { you say }\end{array}$ \\ \hline delegation & $\begin{array}{l}\text { e. Proper conduct for the members of } \\ \text { professional group }\end{array}$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}

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