
  1. A report of the items imported by the company
    A company interested in importing industrial goods from abroad and transporting them to its warehouses in Gaza and selling them in Gaza, where it wants to build a system for the company to facilitate its work, and the system is divided into two parts, the first part is selling in exhibitions, and the second is the entry of goods into the store. First part: The company has customer (ID, name, mobile number and address) determines the addition of the items (item id, item name, item type id, company name, item price, item max, item min, store) And each item has manufacturer company (ID, name, email, and country). he wants from the employee (employee ID, name, address, many mobile numbers and job) After the addition, the employee delivers to the customer the sales invoice (invoice ID, item type ID, item ID, quantity, date, item price, invoice total, notes and customer ID). The customer pays the invoice value to the treasury (ID, type of payment, amount paid, sales invoice ID, customer ID, and employee ID). He receives the payment receipt and submits it to the employee, and the employee extracts a delivery permit (delivery ID and invoice ID). Then the recipient (recipient ID and recipient name) receives the items from the store (ID, store name, employee ID). Second part: The supplier (supplier ID, name supplier, supplier address, supplier email and supplier mobile number) sends the bill of lading (ID and ID items and quantity) to the employee. The employee receives the bill of lading and then it is stored in the warehouse, where the store keeper records the incoming (ID, Item Type ID, Item ID, Quantity, Unit, Total, and Supplier ID) to the store and outbound (ID, Item Type ID, Item ID, Quantity, Unit, Total, and Receiver ID) From the store.

A company interested in importing industrial goods from atrobd and transporting them to its warehouses in Gaza and selling them in Gaza, where it wants to build a system for the company to facilitate its work, and the system is divided into two parts, the first part is selling in exhibitions, and the second is the entry of poods into the store. First part: The company has customer [D, name, mobile number and address] determines the adstion of the items (tem is, item name, item tyoe id, company name, item price, item max, hem min, store) And each item has mamufacturer comparry (ID, name, emal, and country) he wants from the employee [employee ID, name, address, many mobile numbers and job] type 10, item 10, quantity, dete, item price, invoice total, notes and customer iD!. The customer pays the imoice walue to the treary $\mathrm{CD}$, type of poyment, amount paid, sales invoice 10 , customer 10 , and employee 10$)$. He receives the poyment receipt and submits it to the employee, and the employee extracts a delivery permit (delivery ID and impice 10] Then the reciplent (recipient ID and recipient name) recelves the inems from the store ID, store name, employee ID]. Secend part: The supplier (suoplier ID name supplier, supplier address, supplier email and supplier mobile number) sends the bil of lading (tD and 10 items and quantity) to the employee. The employee receives the bill of lading and then it is stored in the warehouse, where the store keeper records the incoming (DD, Item Type ID, Item ID, Quantity, Unit, Total, and 1. Supplier ID) to the store and outbound (1D, Item Type 10, Item ID, Quantity, Unit, Tetal, and 2. Required inquiries (using select) a. A report on the sales invoice with a specific date b. A report of the sales invoice in a specific period of time c. A report on the number of sales invoices in a specific period of time d. A report on the sales invoice for a specific customer e. A report on the items imported by the company and their manufacturers f. A report of the items imported by the company g. Report of the minimum and the maximum for each class

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