
2. [-/2 Points] DETAILS SCALCET8 15.1.007. MY NOTES ASK YOUR TEACHER A contour map is shown for a function $f$ on the square $R=[0,6] \times[0,6]$. (a) Use the Midpoint Rule with $m=n=2$ to estimate the value of $\iint_{R} r(x, y) d A$. (Round your answer to the nearest integer.) (b) Estimate the average value of $f$. (Round your answer to one decimal place.) Need Help? Read It Wateh it Submit Answer

A contour map is shown for a function f on the square R = [0, 6] ⨯ [0, 6].
WebAssign Plot
(a) Use the Midpoint Rule with m = n = 2 to estimate the value of
f(x,y) dA.

(Round your answer to the nearest integer.)

(b) Estimate the average value of f. (Round your answer to one decimal place.)

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