
(C++ PLEASE) Assign variable maximumVal with the largest value of six positive integers read from input.

Ex: If the input is 10 95 25 60 15 40 then maximumVal is assigned with the value 95.
CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 12.7.T: Find extreme value. Assign variable maximumVal with the largest value of 6 positive integers read from input Ex. If the input is 10952560.1540 , then maximumVal is assigned with the value 95. 1 aincludo ciostreass 2 using namespace std; 2 using namespace std; int main() ( int inputvalue; int naximumval; int is maximumial $=-1$; Il To read input use: cin $\gg$ inputvalue; $Y+$ vour code gees here *f cout « maxinumal «e endi; return of

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