
CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 4.11.2: Soda machine with enums. Complete the code provided to add the appropriate amount to totalDeposit. int main(void) \{ enum AcceptedCoins \{ADD_QUARTER, ADD_DIME, ADD_NICKEL, ADD_UNKNOWN\}; int totalDeposit $=\theta$; int userInput; printf("Add coin: $\theta$ (add 25), 1 (add 10), 2 (add 5). "); scanf("\%d", \&userInput); if (userInput == ADD_QUARTER) \{ totalDeposit $=$ totalDeposit +25 ; \} y* Your solution goes here */ else \{ printf("Invalid coin selection. $\left.\backslash n^{\prime \prime}\right)$; \} printf("totalDeposit: \%d \n", totalDeposit); return 6 ;

c programing please

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