
What am I doing wrong here? I have completed everything for this project about creating a sudoku solver but all of my outputs are returning a "No Solution Exists for this puzzle." Does anyone have any solution? Ill screenshot all my work I have done so far along with the problems. I know this may seem like a lot to look through but if you do, I greatly appreciate it. Im close to the end I just need this last bit of help

$\operatorname{cosC} 130$ - Project 03 Instructions Introduction The goal of this project is to develop an automated sudoku solver. If you are unfamiliar with sudoku puzzles, you can find a description of them by clicking on the following link: Rules for Sudoku General Instructions Create a Python script file named and a Jupyter notebook file named Project_03_YourLas tName.ipynb. You will use the script to define your functions and the notebook will be used to load the script and to test your functions. Please download the files puzzle01.txt, puzzle02.txt, puzzle03.txt, and puzzle04.txt, storing these in the same directory as your script file and notebook file. It is important that these files are all in the same directory. Otherwise, your code will not run correctly when I run it. You will represent a given state for a sudoku puzzle as a list of nine lists. Each of the 9 sub-lists will contain 9 elements, and will represent a single row in the puzzle. Empty cells will be indicated by storing a value of 0 in the location representing that cell. As an example, the list displayed on the left below would represent the puzzle displayed on the right. \[ \begin{array}{l} \text { puzzle }=[ \\ {[8, \theta, \theta, \theta, \theta, \theta, \theta, \theta, \theta],} \\ {[\theta, 0,3,6,0, \theta, \theta, 0, \theta] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, 7, \theta, \theta, 9, \theta, 2, \theta, \theta],} \\ {[0,5,0,0,0,7,0,0, \theta] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, \theta, \theta, \theta, 4,5,7, \theta, \theta] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, 0,0,1,0, \theta, 0,3, \theta] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, 0,1, \theta, 0,0,0,6,8] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, \theta, 8,5, \theta, \theta, \theta, 1, \theta] \text {, }} \\ {[\theta, 9,0,0,0,0,4,0, \theta]} \\ \text { ] } \\ \end{array} \] Instructions for the script file begin on the next page. 1
Instructions for the Script File Define functions with the following names: load_puzzle(), display_puzzle(), get_next(), get_options(), copy_puzzle (), and solve(). Descriptions of each of these functions are provided below. load_puzzle() This function should accept a single parameter named path. This parameter is expected to be a string indicating the path to a text file containing the initial state of a sudoku puzzle. The file will be expected to contain 9 lines of text, each of which contains 9 numbers separated by spaces. The function should open the file and process the lines within. The function should return a list of lists, with each sub-list containing the 9 values on any one line of the file, stored as integers. The function should complete the desired task by performing the following steps: 1. Use open ( ) and read ( ) to read in the contents of the file indicated by path as a string. 2. Split the string from the previous step on the newline character, storing the result in a list named lines. 3. Create an empty list named puzzle. 4. Loop over the elements of lines. Perform the following steps for each string in lines: a. Split the string on spaces, storing the result in a list named token_strings. b. Create a list named token_ints that contains the values from token_strings, but coerced to integers. You can do this with a loop or a list comprehension. c. Append the list token_ints to puzzle. 5. Return puzzle. display_puzzle( ) This function should accept a single parameter named puzzle. This parameter is expected to be a list of lists representing a puzzle state. The function should print the puzzle state using the format displayed above on the right. The function should complete the desired task by performing the following steps: 1. Loop over the elements puzzle. Fir each list in puzzle, perform the following steps: a. If considering the list at index 0,3 , or 6 , print the following string: ' ' b. Create a string named row that is initially set equal to ' $\mid$ ' We will concatenate values to this string to build up the desired output for the current row. c. Loop over the elements of the current list, which will be int. For each int value, do the following: i. If the current value is zero, concatenate the string '. ' to row. ii. Otherwise, coerce the value to a string, and concatenate that and a space to row. iii. If considering the element at index 2,5 , or 8 , concatenate the string ' $\mid$ ' to row. d. After the inner loop finishes, print row. 2. After the outer loop finishes, print the bottom border of the puzzle: '+ This function does not need to return a value. get_next() This function should accept two parameters named row and col. These parameters are expected to be integers $0-8$ representing the location of a specific cell. The function should return two integers, which should be the row and column indices for the next cell in the puzzle, assuming we are moving through the rows left-to-right and top-to-bottom. - If col is less than 8 , then we are not at the last column and need to advance one more column. The function should return row and col+1. - If col is equal to 8 , and row is less than 8 , the we are in the last column of a row, but are not at the last row. To advance to the next row, the function should return row+1 and $\boldsymbol{\theta}$. - If col and row are both equal to 8 , then we are at the last row and the last column and can advance no further. The function should return None and None. 2
copy_puzzle() This function should accept a single parameter named puzzle, which is intended to represent a puzzle state. The function should create a deep copy of the list puzzle. To accomplish this, the function should perform the following steps: 1. Create an empty list named new_puzzle. 2. Loop over the items in puzzle, which are all lists. For each sub-list, create a copy using the copy() method. Append the new copy to new_puzzle. 3. Return new_puzzle. get_options() This function should accept three parameters named puzzle, row, and col. The parameters row and col should be integers indicating the position of a cell in the puzzle represented by puzzle. If the cell contains a value, then the function should return None. If the cell is empty, then the function should return a list of valid numbers that could be placed in that cell. It should do this by scanning the row, column, and $3 \times 3$ block that contain the cell, eliminating from the possible options any values that appear in those collections of cells. For example, if puzzle is the list provided in the first page of these instructions, then: - get_options(puzzle, 2, 4) should return None, since the cell in row 2, column 4 contains a 9. - get_options(puzzle, 2, 5) should return [1, 3, 4, 8]. $\circ 2,7$, and 9 are NOT valid options since they appear in the same row as this cell. - 5 and 7 are NOT valid options since they appear in the same column as this cell. - 6 and 9 are NOT valid options since they appear in the same block as this cell. The steps below explain one way to accomplish the desired tasks: 1. Check to see if the cell of puzzle indicated by the values row and col contains a value greater than 0 . If it does, then return None. 2. Create an empty list named used. We will fill this list with the non-zero numbers that are contained the the row, column, and $3 \times 3$ block that contain the indicated cell. 3. Loop over the indicated row of puzzle. Append each non-zero value in that row to used. 4. Loop over the indicated column of puzzle. Append each non-zero value in that column to used. 5. Use nested loops to scan over the block containing the current cell. Append each non-zero value in that column to used. To scan over the desired block, you will have to identify the index of the row and column that start the block. For example: - If row is 0,1 , or 2 , then the first row in the block is at index 0 . - If row is 3,4 , or 5 , then the first row in the block is at index 3 . - If row is 6,7 , or 8 , then the first row in the block is at index 6 . Similar rules fold for the starting column. You can us the following code to calculate these starting values: \[ \begin{array}{l} \text { start_row }=3^{*} \operatorname{int}(\mathrm{row} / 3) \\ \text { start_col }=3^{*} \operatorname{int}(\operatorname{col} / 3) \end{array} \] 6. After completing steps $2-5$, the list used will contain all of the invalid options. We now wish to identify the valid options. Create an empty list named options. 7. Loop over the digits $1-9$. Check to see if each digit appears in used. If it does not, then append it to options. 8. Return options. 3
solve() This function should accept three parameters named puzzle, row, and col. The parameter puzzle is expected to be a list representing a puzzle state, while row and col are expected to be integers indicating the position of a specific cell in the puzzle. The default values of row and col should be set to 0 , indicating that the function will begin the serach for a solution by looking at the upper-left cell. The function should return a list of lists representing the solved state of the puzzle, if one exists. If no solution exists, then the function should return None. The function should find the solution to the puzzle recursively by following the steps below: 1. Check to see if the cell indicated by the parameters row and col is blank (which would be indicated by a value of 0 stored at the appropriate location in puzzle). If this cell is not blank, then we will move to the next cell, if one exists. In this case, perform the following steps: a. Use get_next ( ) to obtain the position of the next cell. Store the resulting values in next_row and next_col. b. Check to see if next_row is None. If so, then we are at the last cell, and will have finished construction the solution. Return puzzle, which will store the completed solution. c. If next_row is not None, then we will move on to the next cell. Call solve( ) again, passing it puzzle, next_row, and next_col. 2. If the current cell is blank, then we will identify the possible values that could be placed within this cell. Call get_options(), passing it puzzle and the location of the current cell. Store the results in a list named options. 3. If options is empty, then there are no value digits that could be placed in this cell. Return None to indicate that the current puzzle state is not solvable. This will end this branch of the recursion, causing the function to backtrack and consider different values for previously filled-in cells. 4. If options is not empty, then loop over the digits in this list. Perform the following steps for each such value: a. Use copy_puzzle() to create a new copy of the puzzle, named new_puzzle. b. Use row and col to set the entry of new_puzzle corresponding to the current cell to the current value of options that is being considered. We are filling in a valid number in this cell and will check to see if this leads to a solution. c. Call solve(), passing it new_puzzle, row, and col. Store the result in a variable named result. This is the step in which we attempt to see if the new puzzle state leads to a solution. Note that if a solution was found, then result will contain that solution. If no possible solution can be found using the current state, then result will contain None. d. If result is not equal to None, then this means that a solution was eventually found. Return result, which should store the solved puzzle state. e. If result is equal to None, then no additional action should be taken. In this case, the loop will continue executing, and the function will try out different values for the current cell. 4
Instructions for the Notebook Any set of instructions you see in this document with an orange bar to the left will indicate a place where you should create a markdown cell. If no instructions are provided regarding formatting, then the text should be unformatted. Any set of instructions you see with a blue bar to the left will provide instructions for creating a single code cell. Assignment Header Create a markdown cell with a level 1 header that reads: "COSC 130 - Project 03". Add your name below that in bold. Introduction Create a markdown cell with a level 2 header that reads "Introduction". Add unformatted text explaining the purpose of this project. You may paraphrase the statement in the first paragraph of this document. Explain that you will be by running the script in which you have created the functions that you will be using. We will start by running the script. Use the Magic command \%run -i Sudoku. py to run the contents of your script. Puzzle 1 Create a markdown cell with a level 2 header that reads "Puzzle 1". Add unformatted text explaining that you will test your function on the puzzle whose initial state is stored in the file puzzle01.txt, and that you will begin by loading the puzzle from the file. Use load_puzzle() to load the contents of puzzle01.txt into a list named puzzlee1. Use display_puzzle() to print the puzzle. Add a markdown cell explaining that you will now attempt to find a solution to the puzzle. Use solve() to attempt to find the solution of the puzzle stored in puzzlee1. If a solution exists, then use display_puzzle() to print the solution. Otherwise, print the text "No solution exists for this puzzle." Puzzle 2, Puzzle 3, and Puzzle 4 Repeat the steps detailed for Puzzle 1, but using the information stored in the files puzzle02.txt, puzzle03.txt, and puzzle04.txt. Submission Instructions When you are done, click Kernel > Restart and Run All. If any cell produces an error, then manually run every cell after that one, in order. Save your notebook, and then export the notebook as an HTML file. Upload the HTML file to Canvas and upload the IPYNB file to CoCalc, placing the file into the folder Projects/Project 03. 5
/Users/avh/Documents/COSC_130/Projects/Project 3/* def load_puzzle(path) : $f=$ open (path, ' $r$ ) lines $=f \cdot$ read ()$\cdot \operatorname{split}(' \mid n ')$ puzzle $=$ [] for line in lines: token_strings = line.strip().split (" ") token_ints $=$ [int(s) for s in token_strings] puzzle.append(token_ints) return puzzle def display_puzzle(puzzle): for 1 in range (len(puzzle)): if $i$ in $[0,3,6]$ : print ('+-6]:- row $=$ ' for $j$ in range (len (puzzle[i])): no $=$ puzzle [1] [j] if no $==0$ : row $+=1$, else: row $+=\operatorname{str}(n o)+1$, if $\mathrm{j}$ in $[2,5,8]$ : row $+=11$, print (row) print ('+ def get_next(row, col): if col $<8:$ return row, $\operatorname{col}+1$ if row $<8$ : return row $+1,0$ return None, None def copy_puzzle(puzzle) : new_puzzle=[] for rows in puzzle: new_puzzle.append (rows . copy ()) return new_puzzle def get_options(puzzle, row, col): if puzzle[row] [col] > b: return None used $=$ puzzle $[$ row $] \cdot \operatorname{copy}()$ for i in range(9): used. append (puzz le [i] [col]) start_row $=3 *$ int $(\operatorname{row} / 3)$ start_col $=3 *$ int $(\operatorname{col} / 3)$ for i in range(start_row, start_row+3) : for $j$ in range(start_col, start_col+3): used. append (puzz le [i] [j]) options = [] for $i$ in range $(1,10)$ : if $i$ not in used: options.append (1) return options def solve (puzz le, row $=0, \operatorname{col}=0)$ : if puzzle[row] [col] != 0 : next_row, next_col $=\operatorname{get}$ next $($ row, col $)$ if next_row $=$ None: return puzzle return solve(puzzle, next_row, next_col) options = get_options (puzzle, row, col) if options $=$ []: return None for $i$ in options: new_puzzle = copy_puzzle(puzzle) new_puzzle [row] [col] $=1$ result = solve(new_puzzle, row, col) if result != None: return result
Introduction The goal of this project is to create an automated sudoku solver. I will now be running the script I have created with the functions that I will be using. In [1]: srun $-i$ Puzzle 1 I will now test my function on the puzzle who initial state is stored in the file puzzle01.txt. I will load the puzzle from the file. I will now attempt to find a solution to the puzzle. In [13]: |solved_puzzle01 = solve (puzzle01) if solved_puzzle01 is None: print("No solution exists for this puzzle") else: display_puzzle(solved_puzzle01) No solution exists for this puzzle
Puzzle 2 I will now test my function on the puzzle who initial state is stored in the file puzzle02.txt. I will load the puzzle from the file. In [4]: puzzle02 = load_puzzle('puzzle02.txt') display_puzzle(puzzle02) In [5]: solved_puzzle02 = solve (puzzle02) if solved_puzzle02 is None: print("No solution exists for this puzzle") else: display_puzzle(solved_puzzle02) No solution exists for this puzzle Puzzle 3 I will now test my function on the puzzle who initial state is stored in the file puzzle03.txt. I will load the puzzle from the file. In [6]: puzzle03 = load_puzzle('puzzle03.txt') display_puzzle(puzzle03) In [7]: solved_puzzle03 = solve (puzzle03) if solved_puzzle03 is None: print("No solution exists for this puzzle") else: display_puzzle(solved_puzzle03) No solution exists for this puzzle Puzzle 4

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