
For a number $N$, a goodArray is the smallest possible array that consists of only powers of two $\left(2^{0}, 2^{1} \ldots 2^{k}\right)$ such that the sum of all the numbers in the array is equal to $N$. For each query that consists of three integers $l, r$, and $m$, find out the product of elements goodArray[l] through goodArray[r] modulo $m$ when goodArray is sorted in non-decreasing order. Example For $N=26$, queries $=[[1,2,1009],[3,3,5]]$ goodArray when sorted is $[2,8,16]$. For query $I=1, r=2, m=1009$, ans = goodArray $[1]$ * $\operatorname{goodArray}[2]=(2 * 8) \operatorname{modulo} 1009=$ 16. For query $I=3, r=3, m=5$, ans $=$ goodArray $_{3}=(16)$ modulo $5=1$. The answer is $[16,1]$. Function Description Complete the function getQueryResults in the editor below. getQueryResults has the following parameters: long $N$ : the integer $\mathrm{N}$ int queries[q][3]: a 2D array of queries, each with 3 elements $l, r$, and $m$. Return int answer[q]: the answers to the queries Constraints - $1 \leq N \leq 10^{18}$ - $1 \leq q \leq 10^{5}$ - $1 \leq m \leq 10^{5}$ - $1 \leq I \leq r \leq \mid$ goodArray $\mid$, where $\mid$ goodArray/ denotes the length of the array
Input Format For Custom Testing Sample Case 0 Sample Input For Custom Testing STDIN FUNCTION $6 \rightarrow \mathrm{N}=6$ $3 \rightarrow q=3$ $3 \rightarrow \mathrm{q}[]$ size $=3$ $124 \rightarrow$ queries $=[[1,2,4],[2,2,8],[1,1,4]]$ Sample Output 0 4 2

can i have an answer in python?

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ZOWWJK The First Answerer