
Given the program below, answer the succeeding questions: \#include 〈iostream> \#include 〈cstdlib> using namespace std; typedef int "IntPtr; int main() \{ IntPtr p; int $a[10]$ for (int $i=0 ; i<10 ; i++)$ $a[i]=i j$ cout «"Contents of array a... $\ln "$; for (int $i=0 ; i<10 ; i++)$ cout $\ll$ a $[i] \ll "-$; $p=a ;$ cout «"InContents pointed to by pointer p... In"; for (int $i=e ; i<10 ; i++)$ cout $\ll p[i] \ll "-;$ for (int $i=0 ; i<10 ; i++)$ $p[i]=p[i]+1 ;$ cout «"InNew contents of array a after processing ... $\backslash \mathrm{n} "$; for (int $i=e ; i<10 ; i++$ ) cout $\ll a[i] \ll "$ "; cout «" $\ln "$; systen("pause"); \} I -- (T/F) The program makes use of typedef. -- (T/F) The data type of the pointer variable is double. -- (T/F) Variable a is an ordinary array. $--(T / F) p=a$ is a valid statement. $--(T / F) p=$ \&a is a valid statement. -- What is the value of a[3]? -- After performing the loop that increments the value of each element by 1 , what is the value of $p[7]$ ? -- (T/F) In the program, changes in p will affect a. -- What is the size of the array? -- (T/F) $\mathrm{p}$ is an example implementation of dynamic array.

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