If 23 more HRDs responded to the survey, which of the following is the best estimate of the number of people employed by the 23 organisations these HRDs represent? Select the best answer from the options below. Please note, there are SIX sources of data information, which you can scroll through. Click on the images above to enlarge them. 95,907 117,965 $2,206,000$ $3,308,780$ $15,379,628$
Responses to survey questions asking about the most important technological catalysts for change over the next 10 years Note: The chart shows the proportion of respondents selecting each of these 8 categories. Cloud Technology \[ \begin{array}{r} \text { Big } \\ \text { Data } \end{array} \] Renewable Energy Crowdfunding
Pie chart showing what proportion of HRDs completing the survey work in each industry Note: 333 HRDs were invited to complete the survey, one per organisation. $45 \%$ of invitees actually completed the survey. Energy $\square$ Basic \& Infastructure $\square$ Financial Services \& Investors $\square$ Others $\square$ Healthcare $\square$ Consumer $\square$ Information \& Communication Technology
The number of employees employed by the large global organisations represented by the Human Resources Directors (HRDs) who completed the survey, split by industry group \begin{tabular}{l|l} \hline Industry group & Number of employees \\ \hline Basic \& Infrastructure & $1,967,000$ \\ \hline Consumer & $1,275,000$ \\ \hline Energy & $2,892,000$ \\ \hline Information \& Communication Technology & $3,556,000$ \\ \hline Healthcare & 971,000 \\ \hline Financial Services \& Investors & $\mathbf{1 , 0 8 2 , 0 0 0}$ \\ \hline Others & $\mathbf{2 , 6 4 3 , 0 0 0}$ \\ \hline Industries Overall & $\mathbf{1 4 , 3 8 6 , 0 0 0}$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}
Geographical location of Head Offices Pie chart showing the location of the Head Office of the organisations whose HRD completed the survey Middle East Central America Eastern Europe Africa South America The Caribbean Oceania North America $\square$ Asia European Union