****IN C PLEASE NOT C++****
17.12 LAB*: Program: Playlist
Instructor note:
Function Prototypes
void CreatePlaylistNode(PlaylistNode* thisNode, char[], char[], char[], int, PlaylistNode* nextNode);
void InsertPlaylistNodeAfter(PlaylistNode* thisNode, PlaylistNode* newNode);
void SetNextPlaylistNode(PlaylistNode* thisNode, PlaylistNode* newNode);
PlaylistNode* GetNextPlaylistNode(PlaylistNode* thisNode);
void PrintPlaylistNode(PlaylistNode* thisNode);
You will be building a linked list. Make sure to keep track of both the head and tail nodes.
(1) Create three files to submit.
PlaylistNode.h - Struct definition and related function declarations
PlaylistNode.c - Related function definitions
main.c - main() function
Build the PlaylistNode class per the following specifications. Note: Some functions can initially be function stubs (empty functions), to be completed in later steps.
Private data members
char uniqueID[50]
char songName[50]
char artistName[50]
int songLength
PlaylistNode* nextNodePtr
Related functions
CreatePlaylistNode() (1 pt)
InsertPlaylistNodeAfter() (1 pt)
Insert a new node after node
SetNextPlaylistNode() (1 pt)
Set a new node to come after node
Return location pointed by nextNodePtr
Ex. of PrintPlaylistNode output:
Unique ID: S123 Song Name: Peg Artist Name: Steely Dan Song Length (in seconds): 237
(2) In main(), prompt the user for the title of the playlist. (1 pt)
Enter playlist's title: JAMZ
(3) Implement the PrintMenu() function. PrintMenu() takes the playlist title as a parameter and outputs a menu of options to manipulate the playlist. (1 pt)
JAMZ PLAYLIST MENU a - Add song r - Remove song c - Change position of song s - Output songs by specific artist t - Output total time of playlist (in seconds) o - Output full playlist q - Quit
(4) Implement the ExecuteMenu() function that takes 3 parameters: a character representing the user's choice, a playlist title, and the pointer to the head node of a playlist. ExecuteMenu() performs the menu options (described below) according to the user's choice, and returns the pointer to the head node of the playlist.(1 pt)
(5) In main(), call PrintMenu() and prompt for the user's choice of menu options. Each option is represented by a single character.
If an invalid character is entered, continue to prompt for a valid choice. When a valid option is entered, execute the option by calling ExecuteMenu() and overwrite the pointer to the head node of the playlist with the returned pointer. Then, print the menu, and prompt for a new option. Continue until the user enters 'q'. Hint: Implement Quit before implementing other options. (1 pt)
JAMZ PLAYLIST MENU a - Add song r - Remove song c - Change position of song s - Output songs by specific artist t - Output total time of playlist (in seconds) o - Output full playlist q - Quit Choose an option:
(6) Implement "Output full playlist" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). If the list is empty, output: Playlist is empty (3 pts)
JAMZ - OUTPUT FULL PLAYLIST 1. Unique ID: SD123 Song Name: Peg Artist Name: Steely Dan Song Length (in seconds): 237 2. Unique ID: JJ234 Song Name: All For You Artist Name: Janet Jackson Song Length (in seconds): 391 3. Unique ID: J345 Song Name: Canned Heat Artist Name: Jamiroquai Song Length (in seconds): 330 4. Unique ID: JJ456 Song Name: Black Eagle Artist Name: Janet Jackson Song Length (in seconds): 197 5. Unique ID: SD567 Song Name: I Got The News Artist Name: Steely Dan Song Length (in seconds): 306
(7) Implement the "Add song" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). New additions are added to the end of the list. (2 pts)
ADD SONG Enter song's unique ID: SD123 Enter song's name: Peg Enter artist's name: Steely Dan Enter song's length (in seconds): 237
(8) Implement the "Remove song" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). Prompt the user for the unique ID of the song to be removed.(4 pts)
REMOVE SONG Enter song's unique ID: JJ234 "All For You" removed.
(9) Implement the "Change position of song" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). Prompt the user for the current position of the song and the desired new position. Valid new positions are 1 - n (the number of nodes). If the user enters a new position that is less than 1, move the node to the position 1 (the head). If the user enters a new position greater than n, move the node to position n (the tail). 6 cases will be tested:
Moving the head node (1 pt)
Moving the tail node (1 pt)
Moving a node to the head (1 pt)
Moving a node to the tail (1 pt)
Moving a node up the list (1 pt)
Moving a node down the list (1 pt)
CHANGE POSITION OF SONG Enter song's current position: 3 Enter new position for song: 2 "Canned Heat" moved to position 2
(10) Implement the "Output songs by specific artist" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). Prompt the user for the artist's name, and output the node's information, starting with the node's current position. (2 pt)
OUTPUT SONGS BY SPECIFIC ARTIST Enter artist's name: Janet Jackson 2. Unique ID: JJ234 Song Name: All For You Artist Name: Janet Jackson Song Length (in seconds): 391 4. Unique ID: JJ456 Song Name: Black Eagle Artist Name: Janet Jackson Song Length (in seconds): 197
(11) Implement the "Output total time of playlist" menu option in ExecuteMenu(). Output the sum of the time of the playlist's songs (in seconds). (2 pts)