
Part E - Which Method Is Best for You?

Choosing a birth control method is a very important decision. You do need to understand your options and how those options affect your health, your relationship, and your future. Watch the following video to see how Betty dealt with the decision.

Betty had a great resource in her mother. She was able to review her choices with someone she trusted who was very knowledgeable about the pros and cons of the options. There are other considerations besides the pros and cons of the methods, however. You and your partner need to ask yourselves some questions as you come to a mutual decision about contraception.

These questions include:
-How comfortable would I be using a particular method?
-Will this method be convenient for me and my partner?
-Am I at risk for transmission of STIs?
-Do I want to have a biological child in the future?
-How would an unplanned pregnancy affect my life?
-What are my religious and moral values?
-How much does it cost?
-Do I have any health factors that could limit my choices?

Drag the contraceptive method to the respective target with the statement about birth control preferences.
\&"Chapter 07 Coaching Activity Coaching Activity: Reproductive Choices - Previous

Available after $\operatorname{Jan} 19$ at $12 \mathrm{am}$ hapter 07 Coaching Activity aching Activity: Reproductive Choices fertialy awareness methods $\operatorname{sex}$. do something? I want a family, bu not for a long time. I have inarance, and t heard thin heath murnce companies have to cover birth cortrol with no coparment or deductible. now to stay out of trouble. have. I think I need to protect myseif and wait and see how this relaciorehiv goel. Submit Previous Answers Request Answor 2 Incorrect; Try Again; One attempt remaining a method that doesn't require constant attention and does Previous

Chapter 07 Coaching Activity oaching Activity: Reproductive Choices Watch the following video to see how Betty dealt with the decision. Thete are ofher considerations decision about contraceptiont - Previous

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