
On a local area network using the Ethernet technology, all connected devices use the TCP/IP protocol suite, with an according configuration. The TCP/IP network parameters are: - Network IP base: 192.168 .50 .0 - Subnet mask: 255.255 .255 .0 - IP address of the network router: The routeur is not connected to any other networks. The device D1 addressed at 192.168 .50 .120 wants to send data packets to D2 à addressed at Is it possible? Q Choose one of the following answers Please choose only one of the following: $N p$ Yes It's impossible, the addressing used is invalid I don't know In a programming language offering explicit pointers, such as the $\mathbf{C}$ programming langage, how can the programmer know the length, meaning the memory size of a pointer variable? 0 Choose one of the following answers Please choose only one of the following: It is fixed and match the size of the integer registers of the system CPU. It is impossible to tell, as it depends on the size of the pointed memory zone. Size of CPU integer registers for base datatypes and variable for object datatypes. I don't know

Let us suppose the design of a module mananging a key/value dictionary with the following properties: 1. Data types : integer for both the keys and their associated values 2. Unicity of keys: there is no possible duplicates of any given key value 3. Underlying data structure: the dictionary uses a two-dimensional array (a matrix) for its internal management. 1. We take the assumption, for simplification sake, that the memory allocation time has no impact on execution time (which is not true in reality). 4. Data management: there is no sorting of the array when inserting a new key/value pair What is the algorithmic complexity of the insertion algorithm for a new key/value pair in this dictionary? (0 Choose one of the following answers Please choose only one of the following: $O(n)$ $O(1)$ $O\left(n^{2}\right)$ I don't know

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