
+PhET Concentration CHE 110
Solutions consist of a solute dissolved into a solvent, a salt dissolved in water. There is often a need to quantify how much solute is present per unit solution volume. Concentration is most commonly expressed in terms of molarity as molar or M. Number of moles (mol) per liter (L) of solution. A one molar solution can be expressed as 1M= 1mol solute/ 1 L solution or 1= mol/L
Every solute is limited in how much of it can be dissolved into solution at a given temperature and pressure. These limitations exist because of the nature of dissolution, which involves the interaction between solute and solvent molecules. the point at which no more solute can be dissolved into soulutions is called the saturated point and the concentration at which it occurs is considered the solubility of a compound. if too much solute is added to a solution the concentration must be diluted by adding more solvent or the saturation Point must be raised but approximately adjusting the temperature and sometimes the pH. A solution can be considered dilute when the concentration is less than half of the saturation point for the conditions, but dilute is a qualitative description that has no fixed definition.
Question 1
Identify what happens to the concentrations of a dilute Drink Mix mixture or a pure Drink Mix Solution for the following scenarios. A pure Drink mix solution can be obtained by draining all mixtures , then adding Drink Mix to the container or in the stream of the drink Mix.

Evaporate water from. pure Drink mix solution Add wafer to pure Drink mix solution Drain the diuted mixture of Drink mix in pure water Add Drink mix solution to a diuted modure of Drink mix in pure water Add pure Drink mix sciution to pure Drink mix solytion And water to a dilited minture of Drink mix in puev waler Add Drink mix solid to a diuled mikture of Drink mir in pure wator Evaporate water from a diuted midure of Drink mix in pure water Increases concentration Decreases concentranion Decreases concertranian Dran the pure Drink mix solution

Question 2
M= n/V n=m/MW
M represents molarity, n is number of moles, V is the volume in L, m is mass in g, and MW is molar mass in (g/mol)
A chemist prepares a solution by adding 315 mg of Co(NO3)2 (MW=182.94 g/mol) to a volumetric flask, and then adding water until the total volume of the contents of the flask reaches the calibration line that indicates 100 mL. Determine the molarity of the prepared solution. Express the concentration in moles per liter to three significant Figures.
concentration = ______________ mol/L

Question 3
Molarity often refers to molecular molarity. When salts dissolve in solution, each I can n expressed as it's own concentration. For example when examining the dissolution of 1 M NaCl, the solution is 1 M in Na^+ and 1 M in Cl^-. However the dissolution of 1 M CoCl2 yields 1 M in Co^2+ and 2 M in Cl^- because there are two chloride ions in each CoCl2 formula unit.
moles of solute= liters of solution × molarity
liters of solution= moles of solute/molarity
Determine the mass of Chloride(MW=35.45 g/mol) in grams present in 100 mL of a 0.109 M solution of aqueous FeCl3 (iron (iii) chloride).
Express the mass on grams to three significant figures.
mass of chloride=_______ g

Question 4
Solution concentration can be easily reduced by adding additional solvent, which increases the final volume of the solution. This can be observed by adding water to any mixture while Concentration meter will read 1.000 mol/L. Filling the container with water and dilute concentration should read 0.500 mol/L(+0.005 mol/L depending on how close to 0.5 L copper sulfate solution is added). When a solution is diluted the number of moles of solute does not change so the new concentration can be easily calculated when diluting with a known volume or the required new volume can be calculated using the desired final concentration following equation relates the initial concentration and volume to the final concentration and volume.
where M represents concentration and V represents Volume for the CV concentrated (conc) and diluted (dil) solutions.
A beaker contains 211 mL of a 6.75 M HCl(aq) solution. Determine the new concentration of the solution after it is diluted by adding 178 mL of water to the beaker. Express the concentration in molarity to three significant figures
new HCl concentration=__________ M
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