​​​​​​Please give examples for my study guide, Thank You

  • Be able to use the join syntax for queries, including outer joins.
  • Know how to rename tables and columns.
  • Know order by, asc, and desc, between, and not between.
  • Know how to use the SQL set operations of union, intersect, and except. Know how to use all with these.
  • Know how to do tuple comparison in queries.
  • Know how to use operators with nulls, and know the is null and is not null operators.
  • Be able to use the aggregate functions avg, count, min, max, and sum and know how to use them with group by and having.
  • Know how aggregation works with null values.
  • Know how to nest subqueries: in, not in, some, all, and exists. Know how to nest queries in the from clause. Be able to use the with clause. Be able to use scalar subqueries.
  • Know how to use correlation variables in subqueries.
  • Know how to use case in queries.
  • Know how to insert, delete, and update using subqueries.

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8QTPI5 The First Answerer