python 3, Write a program for displaying information about COVID-10 positive cases around the world. Start by implementing a data structure that stores the following information about the number of COVID-19 cases in countries at three different timestamps: Lebanon had 25 cases at time stamp 1, 1000 cases at time stamp 2 and 2000 cases at time stamp 3. France had 100000 cases at time stamp 1, 123000 cases at time stamp 2 and 240000 cases at time stamp 3. UK had 120000 cases at time stamp 1, 260000 cases at time stamp 2 and 280000 cases at time stamp 3. The program starts by displaying the following menu: Search by country Search by time stamp View all 1. 2. 3. Input your choice: If the user inputs 1, the program prompts for the country name and displays the information related to this country. For example, if the user inputs "Lebanon", the program displays: Lebanon: 25, 1000, 2000. If the user inputs 2, the program prompts for the time stamp and displays all the number of cases in each country at this time stamp. For example, if the user inputs 2, the program displays: Lebanon: 1000; France: 123000; UK:260000. If the user inputs 3, the program displays all information as follows: Lebanon: 25, 1000, 2000; France: 100000, 123000, 240000; UK: 120000, 260000, 280000. Pay attention: Think carefully about the data structure you want to use to store your information in. Each country appears one in the sequence and associated with each country are its three numbers. The coding part is very easy once you get the right data structure.

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