
Start out by creating an interface Shape, which has an abstract function GetArea() with integer return value. Then create implementations of this interface for three different shapes: Rectangle, Triangle and Circle. The formulas for calculating the area of each of these shapes are: Rectangle: height $x$ width Triangle: (height $x$ width) / 2 Circle: $3.14 \mathrm{x}$ radius $\mathrm{x}$ radius The integer values required to calculate the area for each of these shapes will be provided to the constructor of each shape respectively in the order of appearance in the examples below. Round the result of the calculation to the nearest integer value before returning it. Examples Rectangle(height $=4$, width $=3):$ GetArea $($ returns 12 Triangle $($ height $=5$, width $=2):$ GetArea () returns 5 Circle $($ radius $=5):$ GetArea() returns 79 The total area of these shapes is 96 .

Excute the program in C++. The input format: 4 3 5 2 5 and the program should return 96.

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