14 Part 1 Database Fundamentals FIGURE 1-12 The Art Course Database TablesThe following is a set of tables for the Art Course database shown in Figure 1-12. For the data for these tables, use the data shown in Figure 1-12.
CUSTOMER (CustomerNumber, CustomerLastName, CustomerFirstName, Phone)
COURSE (CourseNumber, Course, CourseDate, Fee)
ENROLLMENT (CustomerNumber, CourseNumber, AmountPaid)
CustomerNumber in ENROLLMENT must exist in CustomerNumber in CUSTOMER
CourseNumber in ENROLLMENT must exist in CourseNumber in COURSE
CustomerNumber and CourseNumber are surrogate keys. Therefore, these numbers will never be modified, and there is no need for cascading updates. No customer data are ever deleted, so there is no need to cascade deletions. Courses can be deleted. If there are enrollment entries for a deleted class, they should also be deleted.
These tables, referential integrity constraints, and data are used as the basis for the SQL statements you will create in the exercises that follow. If possible, run these statements in an actual DBMS, as appropriate, to obtain results. Name your database ART_COURSE_ DATABASE. For each SQL statement you write, show the results based on these data. Use data types consistent with the DBMS you are using. If you are not using an actual DBMS, consistently represent data types using either the SQL Server, Oracle Database, or MySQL data types shown in Figure 3-5.
3.52 Write and run the SQL statements necessary to create the tables and their referential integrity constraints.
3.53 Populate the tables with the data in Figure 1-12.
3.54 Write and run an SQL query to list all occurrences of Adv Pastels in the COURSE table. Include all associated data for each occurrence of the class.
3.55 Write and run an SQL query to list all students and courses they are reg-istered for. Include, in this order, CustomerNumber, CustomerLastName, CustomerFirstName, Phone, CourseNumber, and AmountPaid.