The following scenarios require you to complete tasks often assigned to IT professionals.

You may complete the tasks using new or existing hardware or virtualized hardware using Hyper-v, virtual box, or any other virtualization solution you have access to.

As an employee of an IT service company, You will often be required to deploy new desktops, laptops and servers for your clients.

One of your clients, a software company called SYSMECH has requested a new Linux desktop, running the latest LTS version of Ubuntu.


Document the following steps so that they can be repeated by another IT technician.

  1. Create USB install media for Ubuntu – using the latest LTS version available.
    • Document the version, and where it was sourced.
  2. Install the operating system.
    • Document each stage of the process with screenshots, and the option you have selected
    • Document the size of the HDD or SSD being used
    • Document the available RAM in the system.
    • Document how long the Installation process took.

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