There is a game spinner with 8 slots. Two of the slots are numbered 2, three of the slots are numbered 3, two of the slots are numbered four, and only one slot is numbered 1. Let the random variable X = "number spun on."Which is the correct relative frequency table that represents this scenario?


x P(X = x)
1 0.255
2 0.175
3 0.275
4 0.475

X P(X = x)
1 0.250
2 0.375
3 0.250
4 0.375

x P(X = x)
1 0.175
2 0.255
3 0.475
4 0.255

x P(X = x)
1 0.125
2 0.250
3 0.375
4 0.250

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