You will implement a command line interpreter or shell. The shell should operate in this basic way: when you type in a command (in response to its prompt), the shell creates a child process that executes the command you entered and then prompts for more user input when it has finished.

The shells you implement will be similar to, but much simpler than, the one you run every day in UNIX. You can find out which shell you are running by typing echo $SHELL at a prompt. You may then wish to look at the man pages for sh or the shell you are running (more likely tcsh or bash) to learn more about all of the functionality that can be present. For this project, you do not need to implement much functionality; but you will need to be able to handle running multiple commands simultaneously.

Your shell can be run in two ways: interactive and batch. In interactive mode, you will display a prompt (any string of your choosing) and the user of the shell will type in a command at the prompt. In batch mode, your shell is started by specifying a batch file on its command line; the batch file contains the list of commands that should be executed. In batch mode, you should not display a prompt. In batch mode you should echo each line you read from the batch file back to the user before executing it; this will help you when you debug your shells (and us when we test your programs). In both interactive and batch mode, your shell stops accepting new commands when it sees the quit command on a line or reaches the end of the input stream (i.e., the end of the batch file or the user types 'Ctrl-D'). The shell should then exit after all running processes have terminated.

Each line (of the batch file or typed at the prompt) may contain multiple commands separated with the ; character. Each of the commands separated by a ; should be run simultaneously, or concurrently.

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