
29. When a lack of oxyen to the brain occurs during birth or after birth, it can cause a disorder that affects muscle control, movement, and communication: a) True b) False 30. The infant child must have their head and neck supported for the first: a) 7-10 days b) Month c) 3 months d) 6 months 31. When holding babies, you should: a) Hold them securely b) Cuddle them c) Sing and talk to them d) All of the above 32. A breast fed baby should be burped: a) Every 5 minutes b) After nursing from one breast c) After nursing from both breasts d) After the feeding 33. Tyler is a three-year-old and has a new baby bother in the family. How is he likely to respond to the new baby? a) He will likely compete for the attention of his parents b) He will always voluntarily share his toys c) He will not even notice the baby in the house d) He will read to the baby 34. The umbilical cord has not yet healed. The baby's diaper should be: a) Loose over the cord b) Snug over the cord c) Below the cord d) Disposable

15. Middle Childhood developmental task is: a) Introduce solid foods b) Provide for privacy and independence c) Support peer relationships and group activities d) Teach child to dress self 16. Adolescent children want privacy and independence: a) True b) False 17. Which of the following observations would you report to your supervisor? a) Crying before meals, 6 wet diapers per day, and burping after feeding b) 3 green runny stools in a day and red broken skin under diaper c) Bleeding from a circumcision d) Both b and $c$ 18. When giving an infant a tub bath, some important safety measures to note are: get al needed equipment before you start, test water temperature before baby goes in, an don't leave alone: a) True b) False 19. According to Erikson, the developmental task for a 65-year-old person is: a) Initiative vs. Guilt b) Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt c) Identity vs. Role confusion d) Integrity vs. Despair 20. Integrity vs. Despair is defined as looking back on life with either satisfaction o disappointment: a) True b) False 21. The term Disability means: a) Loss of self-direction b) Any loss of physical and mental function c) Loss of self-esteem d) Loss of function

33. In what section of the care plan would you find information on the client's cognitive status? a) $A D L$ section b) $\mathrm{BDL}$ section c) $\mathrm{CCL}$ section d) Memory and orientation 34. Development means: a) The unfolding of characteristics and abilities in an orderly way b) A change in behaviour which results from the acquisition of new knowledge and skills c) Desiring something and putting energy towards acquiring it d) Skill or learning process which is expected to occur at a particular age 35. What organization is responsible for assessing clients for possible placement in LTC and/or the assigning of home care services? a) CCAC - Community Care Access Centre b) $\mathrm{CCO}$ - Career Colleges Ontario c) RNAO - Registered Nurses Association of Ontario d) RHPA - Regulated Health Professionals Act 36. What is the purpose of an incident report? a) To document the care provided and observations made during care and for the shift b) To send a message to the family regarding current status of their loved one c) To document an accident, injury or unexpected event d) To create an abbreviated version of the chart on card stock for easy reference 37. Your client Mrs. Smith tells you that she is having pain in her right leg from a fall last. night. This is subjective data and is a: a) Sign b) Symptom

7. The PSW creates the client's care plan: a) True (b) False 8. The care plan should provide directions to the PSW in planning and organizing their daily activities: (a)) True b) False 9. The client should actively participate in developing his/her plan of care: (a) True b) False 10. The care plan is a form of a contract between the client and the health care team: a) True b) False 11. The client's problems and special needs are identified in the care plan: (a) True b) False 12. The care plan focuses on physical, psycho-social and spiritual needs: (a) True b) False 13. An individualized care plan is tailor-made to reflect the unique needs of a group of residents: a) True b) False 14. Which of the following choices best reflects the definition of restorative care? a) Regaining health and strength b) Restoring the client to the highest level of functioning possible c) Maintaining the current level of functioning and preventing decline d) Revisiting goals 2015 Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 3

35. The circumcision site should be cleansed: a) Once a day b) When the baby has a bowel movement c) Three times a day d) At every diaper change 36. It is important for the PSW to report any of the following signs or symptoms related to umbilical cord, circumcision site, episiotomy site, Caesarean section site, or breasts: a) Fever and chill b) Pain, and swelling c) Foul odour, drainage or bleeding d) All of the above 37. After the birth of a baby, many women suffer from post-partum blues, or depression. The PSW should report immediately to the supervisor: a) Feelings of disconnection to the baby b) Feelings of anger, fear and anxiety along with agitation or irritability c) Lack of pleasure or interest in activities d) All of the above 38. When a woman experiences postpartum psychosis, she is detached from reality: a) True b) False 39. The vaginal discharge following birth is called: a) Lactation b) Menses c) Lochia d) Menarche 40. The condition of a yeast infection existing on the soft mucus membranes of an infant's mouth is called: a) Jaundice b) Thrush c) Lochia d) Mastitis

38. What would you do with the above information from the client? a) Observe the leg for signs of injury and inquire about the detalls of the fall, report to your supervisor and document the information b) Tell the client that it will be okay in a couple of days c) Report but don't worry about documenting it, the client will be sure to tell the other staff d) Call the supervisor and let her document it 39. What is the kardex? a) The record of all ADL care provided for each shift in LTC b) The record of all ADL and home support provided by the PSW c) The abbreviated version of the chart on card stock for easy reference d) The record of measurements and amounts charted on every shift 40. The team member who focuses on the rehabilitation of a client's ADL skills is: a) The Pharmacist b) The Registered Nurse c) The Doctor d) The Occupational Therapist 41. The team member who assesses and plans for the nutritional needs of the residents is the: a) Dletician b) Pharmacist c) Social Worker d) Registered Practical Nurse social and emotional issues is b) Social worker c) Speech-language pathologist d) Support worker

9. A toddler may react to stress in the family unit by returning to earlier behaviour patterns. This is called: a) Progression b) Regression c) Suppression d) Denial 10. Mood changes in adolescence are caused by: a) Puberty and hormones b) Stress and peer groups c) Overbearing parents d) Lack of sleep 11. In females, puberty is characterized by the onset of: a) Menstruation b) Menopause c) Attitude d) Season 12. Infancy has many changes, especially diet. What is the major dietary change in this stage? a) Introduction of solid foods b) Introduction of fast foods c) Start drinking low fat milk d) Start drinking high sugar juices and drinks 13. Toilet training is a major developmental task in this period: a) Toddler b) Pre-school c) Middle childhood d) Adolescence 14. At what age do children start dressing themselves? a) Toddler b) Pre-school age children c) Middle Childhood d) Infancy

22. What life activities may be limited for a person with developmental disabilities? a) Ability to self-direct, live independently and care for themselves b) To be economically self-sufficient c) Ability to learn d) All of the above 23. A developmental disability is a permanent disability a person is born with or occurs before 18 years of age and the ability to learn is limited: a) True b) False 24. A congenital condition in which the spinal cord doesn't close properly is called: a) Spina Bifida b) Down's syndrome c) Cerebral palsy d) Epilepsy 25. Autism is defined as: a) A disorder affecting muscle control b) A brain disorder impairing communication c) A disorder caused by an extra chromosome d) A disturbance in the brain's normal electrical function 26. Trisomy 21 is a congenital disorder caused by an extra chromosome and commonly called: a) Autism b) Spina Bifida c) Cerebral Palsy d) Down's Syndrome 27. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder characterized by recurrent disturbances in the brain's normal electrical function: a) True b) False 28. When does a congenital disability occur? a) Before birth b) At birth c) During childhood d) All of the above

22. What life activities may be limited for a person with developmental disabilities? a) Ability to self-direct, live independently and care for themselves b) To be economically self-sufficient c) Ability to learn d) All of the above 23. A developmental disability is a permanent disability a person is born with or ocurs before 18 years of age and the ability to learn is limited: a) True b) False 24. A congenital condition in which the spinal cord doesn't close properly is called: a) Spina Bifida b) Down's syndrome c) Cerebral palsy d) Epilepsy 25. Autism is defined as: a) A disorder affecting muscle control b) A brain disorder impairing communication c) A disorder caused by an extra chromosome d) A disturbance in the brain's normal electrical function 26. Trisomy 21 is a congenital disorder caused by an extra chromosome and commonly called: a) Autism b) Spina Bifida c) Cerebral Palsy d) Down's Syndrome 27. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder characterized by recurrent disturbances in the brain's normal electrical function: a) True b) False 28. When does a congenital disability occur? a) Before birth b) At birth c) During childhood

21. Successful rehabilitation requires the client's acceptance of their disability and a positive outlook: a) True b) False 22. Self-esteem and independence should be promoted through praise and recognition: (a) True b) False 23. A prosthesis is an assistive device which can be attached by a splint: a) True (b) False 24. Crutch walking is easy and can be quickly learned by any client: a) True (b) False 25. Rehabilitation involves the whole person: (a) True b) False 26. Which of the following reflects the definition of prevention? a) Care or support which attempts to avoid deterioration and excess disability b) The unfolding of characteristics and abilities in an orderly way c) A change in behaviour which results from the acquisition of new knowledge and skills d) Desiring something and putting energy towards acquiring it 27. Which choice is an example of subjective data? a) The client tells you she has pain b) The client has a swollen toe c) The client has a bruise on his right arm d) The client has a fever

1. Effective planning for a client's care begins with: a) Determining goals b) Setting deadlines (c) Identifying needs d) Selecting resources 2. Which of the following is true? The care plan: a) Is written by the physician b) Is the same for all residents c) Provides for consistency and continuity of care d) Is stable and fixed for a period of time 3. Two ways that the PSW may contribute to the resident care plan is by making observations and reporting changes to your supervisor: (a) True b) False 4. Which choice describes the purpose of the patient care conference held in a longterm care facility? a) Identify needs, preferences, and establish goals b) Discuss how to deal with resident problems c) Plan how to provide consistent care from the multidisciplinary team (d) All of the above 5. Identify four members of the multidisciplinary team: a) Taxi driver, maintenance worker, building service manager, and dietician b) RN, RPN, PSW, Physician, and Social worker d) Both $b$ and $c$ respiratory therapist, physiotherapist, spiritual advisor 6. The patient's chart and the care plan are the same: (b) False \[ 2015 \]

15. Care that aims to help a person to regain health, strength and indepentes. through intensive, often dally programs that increase strength, endurance flexibility is called. a) Restorative care (b) Rehabilitation care c) Reconstruction care d) Revitalization care dignity? c) Stress strengths and abilities and provide emotional suppor d) All of the above 17. Choose which answer describes the purpose of a patient care conference in a longterm care facility: a) Identify needs, preferences, and establish goals b) Provide counseling on the resident's emotional status c) Provide therapy d) Do an activity with client and family 18. Sympathy and pity help the person to adjust to a disability: a) True (b) False 19. The personal support worker's manner should always show hopefulness: (a) True b) False 20. Clients have the right to personal choice in decisions which affect their rehabilitation: a) True b) False

1. Nuclear families consist of parents, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles: a) True b) False 2. Maternal-infant bonding is essential to an infant's sense of security: a) True b) False 3. In caring for a child in a family home, you should adopt your own routine, even if it interferes with the child's: a) True b) False 4. Culture and religion often affects the way in which basic needs are met: a) True b) False 5. The postpartum period is always a happy one for the parents and newborn: a) True b) False 6. New mothers often experience emotional changes and mood swings: a) True b) False 7. The PSW's role is to support and reinforce the family's culture and their customs in dealing with a new baby: a) True b) False 8. The mother's reaction is not affected by the PSW's role or behavior: a) True b) False

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