
6. Implement the following function in the PyDev module functions. py and test it from a PyDev module named tø6. py: def draw_triangle(height, char): Prints a triangle of height characters using the char character. Use: draw_triangle(height, char) Parameters: height - number of characters high (int $>0$ ) char - the character to draw with (str, len() == 1) Returns: None Sample testing: Enter heigh Enter the d $\$$ $\$ \$ \$$ $\$ \$ \$ \$ \$$ $\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$$ $\$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$ \$$ Test functions . py: Choose File No file chosen Submit $\nabla$ Resultspython

please tell me what goes in and what goes in the separate task thank you!

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BZTWRW The First Answerer