
An array of arrays needs to be sorted on one or more columns. There is a list of [index to sort on, descending = $1 / /$ ascending $=0$ ] pairs provided. Complete the lambda function to perform the requested sorts. Example \[ \begin{array}{l} \text { arr }=[[1,2,1],[3,3,1],[4,2,3],[6,4,3]] \\ \text { indices }=[[1,0],[2,1]] \end{array} \] 1. The primary sort key is column 1, ascending. This sort produces $[[1,2,1],[4,2,3],[3,3,1],[6,4,3]]$. The column 1 values are $2,2,3,4$. 2. The secondary sort key is column 2 , descending. This applies to the two records that tied in the primary sort: $[1,2,1]$ and $[4,2,3]$. These are sorted descending as $[4,2,3],[1,2,1]$ using column 2 values 3,1 . 3. The sorted list is $[[4,2,3],[1,2,1],[3,3,1],[6,4,3]]$ NOTE: The sort should be stable, i.e. in the event of a tie, the array that is at the lower index originally is at the lower index in the result. See the first sort above where there is a tie between the $2 s .[1,2,1]$ came before $[4,2$, $3]$ in the original array. Functions Description Complete the lambda expressing in the indexSort function below. indexSort has the following parameters: arr [n][m]: a 2-dimensional array of arrays of size $m$ indices[k][2]: a 2-dimensional array of 2 element arrays: [sort index, direction] Returns None: The lambda function sorts the global array in place. Constraints - $1 \leq n \leq 10^{4}$ - $1 \leq m \leq 10$ - $1 \leq k \leq m$ - $0 \leq$ indices $[i][0]<m$ (where $0 \leq i<k)$ - indices[i][1] is either 0 or 1 - $0 \leq \operatorname{arr}[i][j] \leq 10^{9}$ (where $0 \leq i<n, 0 \leq j<m$ )

need to implement in python.

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