
Given the macro definition and global declarations below, provide answers to the questions (below the code): quiz2 MACRO pVar, qVar LOCAL _Label1 PUSH EAX PUSH ECX MOV EAX, pVar MOV ECX, qVar _Label1: MUL pVar LOOP_Label1 MOV pVar, EAX POP ECX POP EAX ENDM data $\begin{array}{lll}\text { xVar } & \text { DWORD } & 3 \\ \text { yVar } & \text { DWORD } & 3\end{array}$ A. After the statement quiz2 xVar, yVar executes in main, $\mathbf{x V a r}$ contains (decimal) B. The statement quiz2 2, 6 will produce an error when the macro is invoked. (Enter true or false) C. Suppose that the following code executes in main : \[ \begin{array}{ll} \text { MOV } & \text { EBX, } 10 \\ \text { MOV } & \text { EDX, 3 } \\ \text { quizz } & \text { EBX, EDX } \end{array} \] Upon completion, EBX will contain (decimal)

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