
Part 1 (5 points)

Explain how you would know that there is a red car parked on your street according to the Standard Account of Knowledge.
Part 2 (5 points)
Now, construct a Gettier example using the same proposition above (i.e., that there is a red car parked on your street).(Remember: You’re trying to construct an example wherein one has a justified true belief which falls short of knowledge.

Mod 5 Assignment: SAK and Gettier Part 1 (5 points) Explain how you would know that there is a red car parkad on your street according to the Standand Account of Knontedge. Part 2 (5 points) oxample whercin one has a justifiod true belief wtich falls short of knowledge.) Points Possible: 10 Addresses Alodule Objectives 1,2,3,4

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