package jsjf;
import java.util.*;
import jsjf.exceptions.*;

public class LinkedBinaryTree implements BinaryTreeADT, Iterable
protected BinaryTreeNode root;
protected int modCount;

public LinkedBinaryTree()
root = null;

public LinkedBinaryTree(T element)
root = new BinaryTreeNode(element);

public LinkedBinaryTree(T element, LinkedBinaryTree left,
LinkedBinaryTree right)
root = new BinaryTreeNode(element);

public T getRootElement() throws EmptyCollectionException
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

protected BinaryTreeNode getRootNode() throws EmptyCollectionException
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

public LinkedBinaryTree getLeft()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

public LinkedBinaryTree getRight()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

public boolean isEmpty()
return (root == null);

public int size()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return 0; // temp

public int getHeight()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return 0; // temp

private int height(BinaryTreeNode node)
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return 0; // temp

public boolean contains(T targetElement)
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return true; // temp

public T find(T targetElement) throws ElementNotFoundException
BinaryTreeNode current = findNode(targetElement, root);

if (current == null)
throw new ElementNotFoundException("LinkedBinaryTree");

return (current.getElement());

private BinaryTreeNode findNode(T targetElement,
BinaryTreeNode next)
if (next == null)
return null;

if (next.getElement().equals(targetElement))
return next;

BinaryTreeNode temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getLeft());

if (temp == null)
temp = findNode(targetElement, next.getRight());

return temp;

public String toString()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return ""; // temp

public Iterator iterator()
return iteratorInOrder();

public Iterator iteratorInOrder()
ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList();
inOrder(root, tempList);

return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator());

protected void inOrder(BinaryTreeNode node,
ArrayUnorderedList tempList)
if (node != null)
inOrder(node.getLeft(), tempList);
inOrder(node.getRight(), tempList);

public Iterator iteratorPreOrder()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

protected void preOrder(BinaryTreeNode node,
ArrayUnorderedList tempList)
// To be completed as a Programming Project

public Iterator iteratorPostOrder()
// To be completed as a Programming Project

return null; // temp

protected void postOrder(BinaryTreeNode node,
ArrayUnorderedList tempList)
// To be completed as a Programming Project

public Iterator iteratorLevelOrder()
ArrayUnorderedList> nodes =
new ArrayUnorderedList>();
ArrayUnorderedList tempList = new ArrayUnorderedList();
BinaryTreeNode current;


while (!nodes.isEmpty())
current = nodes.removeFirst();

if (current != null)
if (current.getLeft() != null)
if (current.getRight() != null)

return new TreeIterator(tempList.iterator());

private class TreeIterator implements Iterator
private int expectedModCount;
private Iterator iter;

public TreeIterator(Iterator iter)
this.iter = iter;
expectedModCount = modCount;

public boolean hasNext() throws ConcurrentModificationException
if (!(modCount == expectedModCount))
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

return (iter.hasNext());

public T next() throws NoSuchElementException
if (hasNext())
return (;
throw new NoSuchElementException();

public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

Complete all missing methods in LinkedBinarySearchTree. Show test cases for all implemented methods being sure to include edge cases for methods where applicable.

Then, implement a balance tree method for this class using the brute force method.

Show test cases for two different degenerate trees, outputting the height of the tree before and after balancing the tree. Then, demonstrate insertions into a balanced tree that result in degenerate trees and rebalance the tree again.Hint: Copy the elements into an ArrayList using an in-order traversal. Recursively build a balanced tree using a binary partitioning.

Public Answer

16GA2K The First Answerer