Question 5 $0 / 1$ point In the symbolization key from lecture, which sentence is symbolized by the following? \[ \forall y(\forall x A(x, y) \rightarrow H(y)) \] Someone admires only heroes. Only heroes admire everyone. Someone admires everyone, if they are a hero. If someone is admired by everyone, they are a hero. Question 6 $0 / 1$ point In the symbolization key from lecture, which sentence is symbolized by the following? \[ \neg \forall x(E(x) \rightarrow \neg \exists y(H(y) \wedge R(y, x))) \] No hero wears a cape. No hero wears all capes. Not all capes are worn by no heroes. Not all capes are worn by a hero.
Question 6 $0 / 1$ point In the symbolization key from lecture, which sentence is symbolized by the following? \[ \exists x(H(x) \wedge \neg \exists y(E(y) \wedge \neg R(x, y)) \] Some hero wears all capes. All heroes wear a cape. Not all capes are worn by a hero. Not all capes are worn by no heroes.
Question 10 $0 / 1$ point Which reading is suggested by the placing the stress on the bold words? "Only heroes who wear capes are inspiring." \[ \begin{array}{l} \forall x((C(x) \wedge I(x)) \rightarrow H(x)) \\ \forall x((H(x) \wedge I(x)) \rightarrow C(x)) \end{array} \] \[ \forall x((H(x) \wedge C(x)) \rightarrow I(x)) \] \[ \forall x(I(x) \rightarrow(H(x) \wedge C(x)) \]
What are the right answers for these questions?