
Risk/Benefit Analyses A riskibenefit analysis is fairly easy to understand in theory, but fairly difficult to conduct in practice. Conduct a risk/benefit analysis on each of the following experiment proposals. Assume you are responsible for deciding whether or not to approve each experiment. You must justify each decision. Suggest ways to improve each proposal. 1) Mickey wants to study how food deprivation affects learning in mice. He believes that animals have a survival instinct to learn more quickly when food is scarce. He proposes an experiment in which mice are given only water for 1 , 2,5 , or 10 days. He then plans to measure the speed with which they learn to navigate a complicated maze. 2) Barbara believes that people will shift from using paper towels to using electric air dryers in public restrooms if they are told about the amount of paper waste in landflls. She proposes a study in which a sign is posted in some bathrooms explaining the pollution problem, but is not posted in other bathrooms. She will use hidden videocameras to record people's use of either the paper towel dispenser or electric air dryer in each of the two bathroom conditions. 3) Lucy believes that our self-image affects how we rate the appearance of others. She proposes an experiment in which participants rate the attractiveness of various models. Unbeknownst to the participants, a confederate will be loitering in the hallway outside the experiment room. As volunteers arrive for the experiment, the contederate will either compliment ("you look nice in that outfit') or insult (that outfit makes you look tat) the narticioant Lucy will then compare the model ratings from complimented and

last part of thr question is and insulted participants

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