
Sizing Up the Economy Using GDP - End of Chapter Problem

For each situation, identify the exchange from the circular flow diagram it represents.

(question d was cut off in the first screenshot so i posted another screenshot)

Sizing Up the Economy Using GDP — End of Chapter Problem For each situation, identify the exchange from the circular flow diagram it represents. a. Labanya purchases a robotic vacuum cleaner on Amazon for $\$ 375$. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, b. Matt gets paid $\$ 3,000$ to teach a creative writing class at his local community college. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, c. Dollar General hires 10 new workers at the federal minimum wage to staff a new store. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, d. Ninety-six million people purchased a monthly Spotify premium subscription for $\$ 10$ last month. This transaction takes
a. Labanya purcnases a robotic vacuum cieaner on Amazon Ior $\$ 5 / 5$. Inis transaction takes piace in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, b. Matt gets paid $\$ 3,000$ to teach a creative writing class at his local community college. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, c. Dollar General hires 10 new workers at the federal minimum wage to staff a new store. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result, d. Ninety-six million people purchased a monthly Spotify premium subscription for $\$ 10$ last month. This transaction takes place in the market. Goods or services flow from , whereas money flows from As a result,

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