
Special-Order Pricing Barry's Bar-B-Que is a popular lunch-time spot. Barry is conscientious about the quality of his meals, and he has a regular crowd of 600 patrons for his $\$ 6.10$ lunch. His variable cost for each meal is about $\$ 2.30$, and he figures his fixed costs, on a daily basis, are about $\$ 1,500$. From time to time, bus-tour groups with 50 patrons stop by. He has welcomed them because he has capacity to seat 700 diners in the average lunch period, and his cooking and wait staff can easily handle the additional load. The tour operator generally pays for the entire group on a single check to save the wait staff and cashier the additional time. Due to competitive conditions in the tour business, the operator is now asking Barry to lower the price to $\$ 3.80$ per meal for each of the 50 bus-tour members. (Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answers to $\mathbf{2}$ decimal places.) Required: 1-a. What is the incremental profit (loss) per bus-tour meal? 1-b. Should Barry accept the bus-tour offer? 2-a. What is the incremental profit (loss) for each meal if the tour company were willing to guarantee 200 patrons (or four bus loads) at least once a month for $\$ 3.60$ per meal? 2 -b. Is the offer financially attractive?
Required: 1-a. What is the incremental profit (loss) per bus-tour meal? 1-b. Should Barry accept the bus-tour offer? 2-a. What is the incremental profit (loss) for each meal if the tour company were willing to guarantee 200 patrons (or four bus loads) at least once a month for $\$ 3.60$ per meal? 2-b. Is the offer financially attractive? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Show less \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline Req 1A & Req 1B & Req 2A & Req 2B \\ What is the incremental profit (loss) per bus-tour meal? \\ Incremental profit (loss) & per tour-bus meal \\ \hline \end{tabular}
Should Barry accept the bus-tour offer? Yes No​​​​​​
What is the incremental profit (loss) for each meal if the tour company were willing to guarantee 200 patrons (or four bus loads) at least once a month for $\$ 3.60$ per meal?
Is the offer financially attractive? \begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline OYes \\ \hline ONo \\ \hline \end{tabular}

Public Answer

A7P6RV The First Answerer