There are THREE (3) questions in this section that are based on the following case. Answer ALL questions in your own Microsoft Word document or any other format which is convenient for you.

The debates over equality, diversity, and discrimination have been prolonged and acrimonious. Controversy continues to swirl around the nature of the plight of the racial minorities, the inequality of women, and the harm that whites or males had suffered as a result of preference shown to women and minorities. These continuing debates over racial and sexual diversity have often focus on business and its needs. This is inevitable: Racial and sexual discrimination have had a long history in business, and diversity now promises to have significant benefits for business.

Though more women and minorities are entering formerly white male-dominated jobs, they still face discrimination. Experiment conducted in the US as recent as 2019 still showed that women and minorities were systematically given less consideration in hiring: they received fewer job offers and less desirable jobs than white males. Other research suggests that black and Hispanic were offered jobs 50% fewer times than white males.

Discrimination on its root meaning is not at all wrong. It simply refers to the act of distinguishing one object from another However, in modem usage, the term refers to ‘wrongful discrimination’, or distinguishing among people on the basis of prejudice instead of individual merit.

  1. Why, according to the utilitarian view, is discrimination in the workplace unethical? How do

rights theorist argue against discrimination? (5 marks)

  1. What FIVE (5) kinds of employment practices are clearly discriminatory? (5 marks)
  2. If sexual harassment is illegal and clearly immoral, why do certain people view guidelines against sexual harassment as controversial? Discuss FIVE (5) views with examples.

(10 marks)

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