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help olease Choose the best match. Some answers will not be used. hydrographic station transect spatial resolution temporal resolution undersampling problem scientific diving twilight zone $\checkmark$ [choose ] a line of stations on a grid relating to units of space (distance, area, volume) Sylvia Earle a shipboard sampling location in the ocean, usually arranged as points mesophilic coral ecosystems the lack of sufficient data to fully understand the ocean over all scales an ocean explorer who co-invented scuba and invented the shark cage the use of scuba diving to carry out scientific investigations underwate coral reefs that grow in dimly lit waters the first woman to live underwater relating to units of time, from fractions of seconds to millennia the dimly lit boundary between the lighted and dark portions of the oc oversampling problem Robert Ballard [Choose] [Choose] [Choose] Jacques Cousteau [Choose] Simone Cousteau [Choose] $\checkmark[$ Chose ] a line of stations on a grid relating to units of space (distance, area, volume) Sylvia Earle a shipboard sampling location in the ocean, usually arranged as points on a grid mesophilic coral ecosystems the lack of sufficient data to fully understand the ocean over all scales of space and time an ocean explorer who co-invented scuba and invented the shark cage the use of scuba diving to carry out scientific investigations underwater coral reefs that grow in dimly lit waters the first woman to live underwater relating to units of time, from fractions of seconds to millennia the dimly lit boundary between the lighted and dark portions of the ocean oversampling problem Robert Ballard [Choose]

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please answer all that you can, thanks Part 2: Intrusive Igneous Rocks: The Loch Doon Pluton Below is a map of a Scottish igneous body, a pluton. The key shows the different rock types that solidified sequentially in this magma chamber. These rock types reflect different mineral assemblies, resulting from different magma compositions. During the period of cooling and solidifying, the magma in this magma chamber changed chemical composition: it evolved. Note that the dashed red line around the pluton marks the limit of contact metamorphism. These rock types are collectively called granitoids. They are all coarse-grained, entirely These rock types are collectively called granitoids. They are all cosse-grained, catirely crystalline rock, resembling granite, but with noticeably different mineral assemblages. Questions. Answer briefly. 1. Which part(s) of the magma chamber (which rock type) do you think crystallized first? Why do you think so? 2. Do you think this magma chamber cooled by crystals settling to the bottom of the chamber, or by crystals solidifying against the chamber walls? Explain why you think so? 3. Given your answers above, list the rock types within the pluton in the order of theif crystallization. 4. Which of these rock types would likely be highest in percentage of silica? Explain. 5. Do you think the small Burnhead Intrusion outcrop to the east is part of the same solidified magma chamber as the Loch Doon Pluton? Why or why not? Look for map evidence. 6. Do you think the Fleet Pluton to the southeast is part of the same solidified magma chamber? Why or why not? Can you see any relationship to the Pluton? What does the legend tell you? 7. There are four faults identified by name on the map, trending southwest-northeast (and two others, unnamed, to the east). Do you think the Leadhills Fault and Farding Mullach Fault predated or post-dated the intrusion of this mass of hot liquid? Explain. all i was given is this map and a series of questions. please answer any questions that you know.

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Question 1 ( 0.5 points) Saved According to the account from Sahagún, which perspective is presented? The gods The Mexicas The Spaniards Huitzilopochti Question 2 ( 0.5 points) In the source written by López de Gómara, which of the following actions is presented as absolutely historically accurate? The Spaniards had been warned that the Méxica nobility were planning a rebellion. The Spaniards were ruthless in their attacks on the Méxicas. The Spanish had a desire to learn more about Native religious practices. The Spaniards were motivated by greed when they saw the gold worn by the Aztec peoples. Question 3 ( 0.5 points) In the source written by de Sahagún, which of the following descriptive phrases emphasizes that the Mexica peoples believed the Spanish attack was premeditated and intentional? Determined to kill people Surrounded those who danced Ran everywhere Attacked all the people Question 4 ( 0.5 points) Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, who interviewed members of the Mexica people decades after the Spanish attack believed that the Spanish slaughter of the Mexica was premediated and intentionally savage the Spanish leader was greedy and wanted to steal the jewelry of the dancers in a non-yiolent way, but things got out-of-hand and fighting broke out. the Spanish attacked the Mexica in self-defense While watching the festival, some of the Mexica dancers attacked the Spanish, who responded with violence. Question 5 (0.5 points) Both López de Gómara and Fray Bernardino de Sahagún agree that... The Spanish attack was provoked, and therefore their response was justified. The Spanish attack was moderately violent, and could have been avoided entirely had the Mexica who were dancing not attacked the Spanish who had come to watch the dancers The Spanish attack on the Festival was a fabricated by Moxica as an excuse to attack the Spanish. The Spanish attack was extremely violent and merciless. Question 6 (0.5 points) López de Gómara was one of the Spaniards who accompanied Cortes during the Conquest of the Mexica. Which of the following is one reason he uses to explain why the Spanish attacked the Mexica during the Festival? The only motivation for the Spanish attackers was murder. The Spanish leader of the attack may have learned earlier that the Mexica nobles were plotting a rebellion against the Spanish at the Festival. The Spanish were tricked into attacking the dancers by Mexica leaders. The Mexica had attacked several Catholic clergy earlier that week, and the Spanish saw the Festival as a way to get revenge. Question $7(0.5$ points) In the source written by López de Gómara on the Méxica Rebellion, what were the attitudes of the Spanlards toward the Mexica? They were cautious and shy. They were afraid and wary. They were violent and hostile. They were friendly and supportive. Question 8 ( 0.5 points) With which of the following statements in the secondary source would both primary sources agree? Alvarado attacked the Mexica after seeing the gold religious items they brought to the festival. Alvarado massacred unarmed Aztecs. Alvarado attacked in an attempt to stop a human sacrifice that was part of the ceremony. Question $9(0.5$ points) Which of the following statements in the secondary source supports the conclusion that Alvarado was a violent man who frequently abused indigenous peoples? Alvarado was left in charge of the Spanish mission in Tenochtitlan. Alvarado is farmous for participating in expeditions through the Caribbean and Central America. Several historians have noted the brutality Alvarado displayed in other conquests. Alvarado was a Spanish conquistador. Question 10 (0.5 points) Both primary sources do NOT agree that ... the Spaniards were violent and excessively violent. there were several possible reasons for the violent attacks of the Spanish on the Mexica. the massacre of the Méxicas occurred during a festive celebration. the Spaniards closed the exits and entrances and massacred the Méxicas

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