Cassia Umi, president, heads Personal Trainer’s management team. Three managers report to her
at the firm’s Chicago headquarters: Janet McDonald, manager, finance; Tai Tranh, manager, sales
and marketing; and Reed Curry, manager, operations. The managers who run the 12 existing centers all report to Reed. Cassia wants the new supercenter to emphasize a wide variety of personal
services and special programs for members. If the supercenter approach is successful, it will
become the model for Personal Trainer’s future growth. Cassia personally selected Gray Lewis, a
manager with three years of fitness center experience, to run the new facility.
The new supercenter will feature a large exercise area with state-of-the-art equipment, a swimming pool, a sporting goods shop, a health food store, and a snack bar. In addition, the center will
offer child care with special programs for various ages, a teen center, and a computer café. Cassia
also wants members to have online access to customized training programs and progress reports.
Personal Trainer currently uses BumbleBee, a popular accounting package, to manage its
receivables, payables, and general ledger. Membership lists and word processing are handled with
Microsoft Office products.
Cassia believes the new supercenter will require additional data management capability, and
she decided to hire Patterson and Wilder, an IT consulting firm, to help Personal Trainer develop
an information system for the new operation. The firm assigned Susan Park, an experienced consultant, to work with the Personal Trainer team.

1. Use the background information to create a business profile for Personal Trainer. Be sure to
indicate areas where more information will be needed.
2. Each new supercenter service represents a business function, which is composed of one or
more business processes. Using the background information and the conversation between
Susan and Gray, list the business functions and the processes with each function.
3. Based on what you know, should Personal Trainer consider any of the following systems:
ERP, transaction processing, business support, knowledge management, or user productivity? Why or why not?
4. What opportunities might Personal Trainer have for Web-based B2C transactions in the
future? What about B2B?

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K3RRN4 The First Answerer