Strategic Planning – Case Analysis Story (SMEs problems) Case 4: Rem Apparel For the past 13 years, Ms. Remedios Olay operated her clothing shop located in the middle of the city’s commercial district. Her merchandise consists of apparel for men and women. Under her employ are six salesladies. Her shop opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 6:00 PM. Among the clothing stores in the city, her shop is the most successful. The recent opening of two giant malls did not affect the viability of her firm. Many people are amazed at the outstanding performance of Ms. Olay’s shop: The Rem Apparel. Ms. Olay’s success can be attributed to her skill in defining what the customers really want to buy from her. The products she displays in her shop are considered elegant and stylish by her customers, most of whom are professionals and middle level business and government executives. She continued enjoying the patronage of her customers until one of her major supplies ceased operating due to the failing health of its owner. Ms. Olay got worried and she began to consider manufacturing her own requirements. She started to make preliminary moves to operate an apparel manufacturing business. Her first step was to hire an assistant who will initially help her prepare the necessary documents to purchase a suitable lot where the factory will be located. Her next move was to send her brightest employee to enroll in an apparel designing course in a reputable vocational school in Manila. In addition to her other experiences, the chosen employee had worked as a seamstress for three years in a tailoring shop. Ms. Olay is so enthusiastic and she plans to start operating within two years

Reyes sent Today at 12:41

Guide Questions: 1. If you were asked to offer suggestions to Ms. Olay, what would it be? 2. Do you think Ms. Olay is on the right track

Reyes sent Today at 12:41

Analysis Questions: 1. What are the Issues and Concerns of the case? 2. What is the major Problem of Rem Apparel?

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