
You are sarting to work on a proiect that aimn to inveatigate which now app should be created to streamline internal procossuns at HSBC. The first part of the project is conducting renearch on internal processes used globally. This will require working with poople in different fegions across the world. To do this, you need to buld in them to work on the projoct over the ceming months. How will you deolde who to imolve in your team? Please RANK the responses from 1.5 by clicking and dregging the 3 lines, with 1 being what you would mast likefy do and 5 baing what you pould kast likely do: Censider how you can best ver the skills and koowlodge of those in your network. You want to form a team who will work will together. 2 Beforn yeu reach out to others, you identify how much you can do an your own. You are keon to make it a $D$. succens and do not mind working independently.

How will you declde who to involve in your team? Plesse RANK the responses trom 1.5 by clicking and dragging the 3 lines, with 1 being what you would most likely do and 5 being what you would least lkely do: Consider how you can best use the skills and knowledge of those in your network. You want to form a team who will work well together. Betore you reach out to others, you identify how moch 2 you can do on your own. You are keen to make it a success and do not mind working independently. Speak to others in yout immediate team to see if they have capacity to help. You know that you will neod their support to make it a suocesa.

$2 \quad \equiv$ you can do on vour own. You are keen to make it a sucoess and do not mind working indopenderitly. Speak to others in your irmmediate team to see if they 3 have eapocity to help. You know that you will need their support to make it a success. Heach out to skilled people in your network who you think may be interested in this project. You ure motivated to form a tearn who will be angagod ty the woin. Revirw the project plan to identify where you will 5 need suppont and ask a trustisd colleague who to iewolve. it is importiat to you to got a second opinion.

all infomation provdied by question

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YK9QUL The First Answerer